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We atFicus d'Oriente are actively committed to achieving our goals and realizing our #greenlifestyle project, as we travel and explore the world. A project that we support through our brand, starting from the scrupulous selection of materials and fabrics that we use for our products, which must respect the highest criterion of sustainability, both environmental and social, and using unconventional types of production. In fact, for most of our branded products we have opted for an " on demand" production, ie the product is generated only after the customer's order. A " slow" production technique, in stark contrast to the frenetic rhythms established by marketplaces and fast fashion , considered highly green , because it solves the problem of overproduction compared to real need, which is one of the major causes of waste in the industry of clothing, furthermore by providing all the detailed information on the product, we lead the customer to an informed purchase, in order to minimize the risk of returns, another inconvenient habit typical of online commerce, especially towards the environment, i.e. double CO2 production for a single product, which we, on the other hand, undertake to compensate for by donating a percentage of sales to a certified project for the protection of the planet (the percentage is calculated on the basis of CO2 consumption for each single product shipped in relation to weight). The rest of the products not generated on demand are divided into two equally sustainable production categories, in fact a large part of our investment is intended for the production of eco-friendly accessories designed for travel and made with recycled or highly technical and 100% resistant materials recyclable and therefore with a very low environmental impact. The other part of our investments, which includes unique pieces and minimal production quantities, however, is intended for the study and enhancement of the craftsmanship of the products of excellence typical of the places we explore travel after travel, with the aim of giving attention to the techniques ancient, of which only men are custodians and masters, for hand-crafted fabrics or other precious materials, an ethical choice that for us represents another way to lead the customer to a responsible purchase, aware of the real value of what he is buying because he is aware of how and where a product comes from.

So our brand is our commitment, but we don't want to stop just at the realization of the project, that wouldn't be enough, because we are aware that the road we have chosen to take is long and full of real problems for which good ideas are not enough, but a practical and tangible commitment is also needed. We think that, by sharing our #gypsysoul and the experiences we collect while travelling, we can be able to suggest useful ideas and activities to do, which will make the journey more sustainable.

First of all bearing in mind that when we go to visit a place we are guests and we have a moral duty to behave respectfully both with the local communities and with the environment that hosts us, trying to be as least invasive as possible and we believe that if these habits are already part of our lifestyle it will be easier to adopt them to last our travels even in the least comfortable conditions. A modus operandi at most necessary if we find ourselves in places little frequented by mass tourism, which we choose precisely for their extraordinary natural beauty, where the concept of waste disposal is still a big problem but secondary to the primary one of survival and for this reason we as guests we represent a further problem for the protection of environments that should be uncontaminated, in these cases the only responsible attitude is to transform ourselves from a problem into a solution. One of the most concrete ways could be to take part in the various initiatives for the protection of the territory, asking around or through social media, which are increasingly organized by local realities, for the collection of plastic and waste. Based on our experience, we guarantee that at the end of such an educational day, one feels so satisfied with the good work done that we are certain that it will become a new travel routine, to be continued even when returning home. It is a small gesture compared to the total waste scattered on our planet, but if we consider the multitude of travellers, it could really make a difference, furthermore by relying on already structured local organizations we have the guarantee that the waste collected is destined for recycling, sector, which in developing countries, is generating new job opportunities also contributing to socio-economic development. A simple activity with a not indifferent echo effect, a good deed that generates other good deeds, like a spontaneous smile that generates other smiles, an indispensable element to take with you on a trip, to share it with others and to take back as the most nice experience, we call this #goodkarma .

We believe and invest in change to ensure a greener future for our planet.

#goodkarma #gypsysoul #greenlifestyle

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